Licensed Provider Pathway

Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System

Hello! With you, Ekaterina Gueletina. Today, I would like to discuss the new Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWElCC) program that is changing the relationship between daycare providers, parents and the government.

Better Than Home Daycare Agency is ready to support you in licensing your daycare or starting a new licensed daycare. We will help you go through all stages of licensing, advise on all issues, and be there for your business’s entire period.

The Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) goals

  • Give families access to more affordable and high-quality child care options.
  • Help lower child care fees for parents of children five years of age and under.
  • Increase home daycare numbers.
  • Support the daycare providers.

Only licensed child care providers can choose to participate in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care System to help reduce fees. The Better Than Home Daycare Agency supports the government’s decision and plans to take an active part in the program.

CWELCC Action Plan

  1. Reduce child care fees by 25% (an average) for kids five years and younger participating in licensed home daycare, retroactive to April 1, 2022. It means that parents will pay in April as usual and will be able to receive a refund from the government.
  2. Further, reduce child care fees by 50%, on average, by the end of December 2022.
  3. Lower average licensed home daycare fees to an average of $10 per day by September 2025.

Such a plan will increase the number of families that will be able to attend daycare and, accordingly, more places for children will be needed. The Government of Ontario plans to expand the number of licensed daycares and other child care facilities to 86,000. In addition, the government is interested in improving the quality of service and reporting.

The Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care program opens up new opportunities for home daycares

  • If you are the owner of an unlicensed daycare center, you should consider licensing because the license guarantees compliance with the Ontario Department of Education’s requirements for early childhood development and placement. Also, as a licensed home daycare provider, you will be able to access government support.
  • If you are thinking about starting a new licensed home daycare in Ontario. Today is the best time! In connection with the launch of the CWELCC program, parents’ interest in placing their children in daycare is growing. Home daycares will be available for families! Home daycare will be a great business from home with guaranteed occupancy and income.

Better Than Home Daycare Agency Supports Providers

  • Home Daycare Licensing.
  • Planning and launching a new daycare.
  • Prepare your house for the placement of children.
  • Opportunity to take six children.
  • Finding kids for your kindergarten (optional).
  • Compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education for licensed providers.
  • Access to government support.
  • Rental of furniture and equipment.
  • Pedagogical and methodological support.
  • Professional development and participation in the professional community.
  • Administrative support.
  • Discounts in our online digital store.


Download and view documents for providers.

Better Than Home Daycare Agency – Presentation

CWELCC Flowchart Licensees

Provider Checklist (for licensing)

Contact Us Today

Phone: +1 (416) 831-1217


Appreciate your time and opportunities! Get all the benefits of a licensed daycare with access to government support.

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