CWELCC: Answers To Your Questions

CWELCC: Answers To Your Questions

We are pleased to share that Better Than Home Daycare Agency has opted-in to the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement between the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada. We are already refunding our parents!

Today we would like to answer the most common questions:

What does the CWELCC program offer?

The Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care Plan is a five-year plan based on equity and inclusion. All families with a fee subsidy will have access to Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care programs by 2025.

Families with children 5 years old or younger enrolled in our centre-based or home child care programs should see their fees gradually reduced until, by September 2025, the average fee for child care will be $10 a day.

Families with children in the licensed home daycare are eligible.

Children under six (or turning six before June 30) in daycare programs approved to participate in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system.

Who is not eligible?

Children over the age of 5 (with some exceptions for children with birthdays early in the year who are 6 years of age before June 30th, but are still enrolled in daycare).

All unlicensed childcare programs are ineligible to participate in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system.

Are Better Than Home agency daycares eligible for the program?

Yes. Yes. Yes! We are officially on! All of our daycares in Peel, York and Simcoe County are licensed and approved to participate in CWELCC.

Does the CWELCC refund depend on family income?

No. The program is designed to help all families attend daycare.
Your refund is subject to current daycare fees.

Also, you do not have to submit any special applications to participate in the program. You automatically become a member if your daycare is approved for CWELCC.

I receive a daycare fee subsidy. Will I be eligible for the fee reduction?

Yes. The Ontario daycare fee subsidy program will continue to be available for families who are eligible to apply for financial support to help pay for licensed daycare.

Subsidized families will receive the same discount on the parent portion of their fees.

Will I still be eligible for the daycare tax credit?

The Ontario Child Care Tax Credit program will continue to be in effect for eligible families.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us with any questions: we can help you place your child in a licensed daycare, or talk about licensing your home daycare and participating in the CWELCC program. Take advantage of the new benefits of a Better Than Home agency!

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