Logical thinking begins to form in children 4-5 years old. They play with objects, and through this interaction, they learn about the world around them. Then they begin to understand the images of objects, then the children become aware of abstract concepts that form the basis of logic.
Let’s remember a simple example: winter! We look out the window and realize that it’s cold outside! We will not test the weather by leaving the house in summer clothes. We remember how the snow looks and how the frost stings the skin. Summarizing our knowledge, we conclude – we must choose warm clothes!
What does the thinking process consist of?
Analysis – dividing an object into its component parts. This helps us to highlight the various properties inherent in the object. Orange is round, orange and edible.
Synthesis – combining objects into groups based on common features. Orange, apple and plum are round, edible. Tomatoes and Chupa Chups will also be included here.
Generalization – the combination of various objects into one group based on a common feature. Several objects of different shapes – banana, pear, apple – are the Edible group.
Comparison is the comparison of objects with each other according to one criterion: size, shape. For example, a large and a small circle have the shape of a circle, but different sizes.
Concretization – on the basis of common features, specific objects can be identified. Edible – apple, porridge, banana and ice cream.
An analogy is the transfer of knowledge about one object to another. Knowing the characteristics of one apple, we can draw a conclusion about all the apples in the basket.
The process of interacting with the outside world, obtaining new knowledge and skills, includes several operations of thinking at the same time.
In the development of logical thinking in children 4-5 years old, games are of prime importance. With their help, parents can transmit information to the child and facilitate its perception. In the process of play, parents should play the role of companions, not teachers. You can answer the child’s questions, ask them, offer options to choose from. In search of answers and correct decisions, the baby will reason, compare, analyze, which together will stimulate thinking. Do not cross the line between play and lecture, this can reduce the child’s interest. The atmosphere of the games should be positive and friendly. In such conditions, new knowledge and skills are better consolidated.
Choose games for the development of logic in accordance with the criteria:
Activating logical processes
Comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, concretization, systematization – these skills are trained using role-playing games. The key to success is full immersion and an adult teammate.
Broadening your horizons
During the game, the child gains knowledge about the world, relationships, professions. This prepares him for a new level of contact with the environment, communication with peers and adults.
Stimulating interest in new knowledge
The game should create an incentive for further exploration, so it can be fun. In the course of the game, the child should have questions; the more questions, the more knowledge and skills he will receive.
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