Why Choose a Licensed Home Daycare?

Why Choose a Licensed Home Daycare?

The Government of Ontario allows home childcare facilities to operate without obtaining a license. Both licensed and unlicensed home daycares strictly comply with government regulations and have the right to exist and operate accordingly.

Parents Trust Licenced Home Daycares

Licensing is not only about ensuring that your providers keep their training up-to-date, but it is also about preventing accidents by making sure that the home environment is safe for kids and is free of hazards. It also gives the person caring for your child the ability to grow as an educator.

Advantages of Licensing

Parents want to be crystal clear on the quality of the care their kids receive.
Home daycare providers follow all obligatory rules of operation and follow all regulations and consider children’s needs.

Licensing is a very rigorous process that complies with child care regulations. All licensed home daycare providers must always follow Fire Safety/Evacuation Procedure, Emergency Management Policies and Procedures, Sanitary Practices Policy, and Medication Policy. All Police Record Checks/Vulnerable Sector Check Policy must be up to date for all house residents who are over 18 years old of age.

Another great advantage of licensed home daycare over unlicensed home daycares is ongoing monthly visits and mandatory yearly reviews from Ontario’s Government. As we always say to our parents, it is good to have the option of “checking up by checking in.”

Are you still unconvinced that licensing is the best option for you as a home daycare provider?
Here’s my insight about the benefits for home daycare providers when it comes to licensing:

I am 100% sure that licensing has only benefits. This is a country where you can’t legally cut hair or fix homes without a license, Childcare is no different, and we should expect no less for our young children.

I believe that licensing is a big plus for all home childcare providers. And I would say that not only as the owner of the licensing agency but also as a home daycare provider with 10 years of experience.
There are mandatory, stipulated requirements that must be met. You have ongoing support from the agency, and continuing education courses. Home visitors who come with monthly check-ups aren’t on the lookout for faults. They aim to help, support, and provide advice to make sure that you’re prepared to deliver the highest quality of care.


In 2022, Ontario is undergoing significant changes to daycare fees. By 2025, the fee should drop to $10 a day for children attending a licensed daycare.

According to a spokesperson for the Ontario government, enrollment for licensee participation in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system has begun for 11 municipalities across the province, with 13 additional regions anticipating opening enrollment by the end of June.

Therefore, parents should choose a licensed daycare. Also, providers of unlicensed daycares should consider licensing.

If you have your own home daycare and consider licensing, welcome to our friendly team of like-minded professionals.
Better Than Home Daycare Agency offers you professional support, education, a child referral program, and Better Than Home community membership. Our agency will help you to become one of the top home child care providers in your area.

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